Part Time at Etcetra Bangladesh

Minimum Educational qualification : HSC, A Level or equivalent.
Experience no bar.

2Shifts 6hr/shift.
Shift A starts from 11am to 5pm. Shift B starts from 5pm to 11pm.
Salary is daily basis with service incentives. Best performer has the opportunity to
be employeed as a full timer. Transportation facility is there for shift B.
Phone: 8852344


Ripon said...

I’m the student of ”Cambrian College;Dhaka,Bangladesh , study at Becholar of Business Studies.I’m very interested for part time or full time job.
If you all are help me 2 get a job, I will be very pleaser.

Contact: 01710424802,01674312875

Anonymous said...

I’m the student of ”Bangladesh University of Business & Technology(BUBT)", study at Becholar of Business Administration.
A part time job is very important for me.If you all are help me 2 get a job, I will be very pleased.

Unknown said...

I’m the student of Dhaka International to sociolofy
I’m very interested for part time or full time job.
If you all are help me 2 get a job, I will be very pleased.
Contact: 01710919791

Unknown said...

Md.Nuruzzaman Rajon
sir,i just complete my H.S.C
Now i am a student of BBA From VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF BANGLADESH.I am very interested to do that kinds of job.Please give me a chance to prove my worth.
Contact: 01912426131.

Anonymous said...

MOB NUMB 01728318147

suraiya said...

Dear sir/madam, convey my best compliments. I’m a student of Ahsanullah University Of Science And Technology in BBA 2nd year 1st semester. I’m badly in need of a part time job. I’m very grateful to you if you will give opportunity to perform in your well known company.
S.M. Mehedi Hasan
Mob no:01672738778

Anonymous said...

Dear, Sir/Madam
I’m the student of Victori University of Bangladesh , study at MBA.I’m very interested for part time or full time job.
If you all are help me 2 get a job, I will be very pleaser.

Contact: 01727217621

Arko said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
saifullah said...

I’m the student of Atish Dipankar University of Science & at Electrical &Electronic Engineering (EEE).
I’m very interested for part time or full time job.
If you all are help me 2 get a job, I will be very pleased.
Contact: 01731484804

saifullah said...

I’m the student of Atish Dipankar University of Science & at Electrical &Electronic Engineering (EEE).
I’m very interested for part time or full time job.
If you all are help me 2 get a job, I will be very pleased.
Contact: 01731484804

adnan said...

I have considerable experience in dealing with different people from different region of the world from my overseas experience. I know how to drive, I enjoy with the public using my analytical ability and creativity, I would like leading, education and developing other.Now am pursuing Hons,on management.

With thanks,
Minhaz Chowdhury


farhad said...

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am student of B.B.A.I want a part-time job.Now i am very weak in my financial side. So i need a job for solving my financial problem.Please help me Sir.
If you are help me 2 get a job, I will be very pleasure.
[Note:I have exprience in Rahimafroz]

SHARMIN said...

sir I complete my s.s.c exam. now i am applicant of eden college. my financial situation is so weak, so i need a job.please give me a chance of job.if you help me I will be pleased.

SHARMIN said...


DHRUBO said...

I am a student of 1st semester of LAW department of the Jagannath University. I am willing to do a part time job in your company. It will be more helpful for me if you contact with me and tell me more about this job. My email id is and my contact number is 01750848017.

Farzana haque shakhi said...

Dear sir,
I am farzana haque shakhi.I am a student of final year in national university.Now i really interested on a part time job and i really need please help me to get a job .My conatct number is 01718329685.

Farzana haque shakhi said...

I am farzana haque shakhi.I am a student of final year in national university.Now i really interested on a part time job .SO please help me to get a job.My number is 01718329685.

Unknown said...

Sir,i am the student of titumir college study at BBS.I’m very interested for part time job.Please give me a chance to prove my worth.
my name:Md.gazi belal hossain
cell no :01673127618

xeback 007 said...

Dear sir,
I am Md. Moazzam Hossain.I am a student of MSS(Social Work) in national university. Now i really interested on a part time job and i really need please help me to get a job .My conatct number is 01914875536. My Email-

Unknown said...

I am Shahanur Rahman, now working at Investment Promotion Services LTD as branch manager. I want a par time job.
I you may please help me.

zico brithish school of law said...

Now i am a student of LL.B From BRITISH SCHOOL OF LAW (hons).I am very interested to do that kinds of job.Please give me a chance to work at City Cell.
Contact: 01676914163.

Popular Sports Websites said...

I'm a student of BRAC University of CSE department. I'll be grateful to you if you choose me for the job.

Contact no- 01825414084, 01677798816

"About Biplob Chowdury" said...

I am the student of Eastern University, I study at Bachelor of Business Administration, I completed 99 credit and my major is Marketing.



Unknown said...

Hello sir I am Khalilur Rahman
I need a part time job. I interested to do this job. I need your help to do this job. If you help me then I can do this job. I already doing a job now in a call center in BPO. I am a student of BCSE in IUBAT in 6th semester.
Please Sir give a chance to do this job.
Thank you

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm the student of East Delta University(EDU). Study at B.A Hons in English.My 7 semester is running. I'm so interested in part time job and i really need this. Please Sir give a chance to do this job. Thank You.
Contact: 01812070777

Unknown said...

To secure a position where there is an opportunity to work with people in an environment of excellence and passion by utilizing my experience, communication, leadership, educational and management skills so Give me a chance to prove myself.I am doing Interior Designing. I AM VERY MUCH INTERESTED TO WORK HERE.
Contact: 01749208466

Unknown said...

I am the student of Asian University at B.B.A.I need a part time job and that very urgent.I am so interested to get this job.
Please give me chance to prove myself.
Contact no:01682139594

Unknown said...

I am Masud Rana. I study at IUBAT , the department of BSEEE of seventh semester. I have want to need a part time job.
I hope you would kind enough to grant me a offer for a part time job.

contact# 01831-433797;01717-716443

saifullah said...

I am Md.Saifullah. I am studying at ADUST , the department of EEE . I have need a part time job.
I hope you would kind enough to grant me a offer for a part time job.

contact# 01731-484804

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I’m the student of ”Dhaka College;Dhaka,Bangladesh , study at Becholar of Business Studies.I’m very interested for part time or full time job.
a job is very important for me. If you all are help me 2 get a job, I will be very pleaser.

Unknown said...

I am a student of Dhaka College,Dhaka at B.A Honours running.I need a part time job and its so urgent.
If u give me chance to get this job,I am so pleased and proved myself.
Contact no:0917125551

Unknown said...

I am a student of Dhaka College,Dhaka at B.A Honours running.I need a part time job and its so urgent.
If u give me chance to get this job,I am so pleased and proved myself.
Contact no:01917125551

Black_star said...

Dear Sir,
I’m the student of”Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)", study at Bachelor of Business Administration, Proceeding 8th semester.

I am particularly interested in your post as it would enable me to gain experience of working
in a larger company.
I would be very pleased if you consider me.

Nurul Islam
Contact: 01675494909, 01675494908

Unknown said...

Dear sir/madam, convey my best compliments. I’m a student of ASA UNIVERSITY BANGLADESH in BSS(Applied Sociology) 1st year 2nd semester. I’m badly in need of a part time job. I’m very grateful to you if you will give opportunity to perform in your well known company.
Mob no:01749658086

Unknown said...

To secure a position where there is an opportunity to work with people in an environment of excellence and passion by utilizing my experience, communication, leadership, educational and management skills so Give me a chance to prove myself.I am the student of Applied Sociology(BSS) 1st year 2nd semester in ASA UNIVERSITY BANGLADESH .
Contact: 01749658086

Unknown said...

Sir, I am a student MBA major in HRM of Chittagong University.I need a part time job. I am very much interested to do this job.
I will be very honored if you give me a chance to do this job.

Burhan Uddin Mohammad Masum


Contact no.: 01811101990

Unknown said...

To secure a position where there is an opportunity to work with people in an environment of excellence and passion by utilizing my experience, communication, leadership, educational and management skills so Give me a chance to prove myself.I am the student of Applied Sociology(BSS) 1st year 2nd semester in ASA UNIVERSITY BANGLADESH .
Contact: 01781465151

Unknown said...

I am a student of World University of Bangladesh ,Dhaka at LL.B (Hon's) running.I need a part time job.I am very much interested to do this job.
If u give me chance to get this job,I am so pleased and proved myself.

Contact no:01676235942

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I’m a student of ”Northern University Bangladesh, Study at Bachelor of Business Studies in 3rd year.I’m very interested for your part time job.
If you are help me 2 getting a job, I will be very pleased of you.

facebook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
facebook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
facebook said...

sahee said...

I’m the student of Govt. Tolaram college of Narayanganj.
A full time or part time job is very important for me.If you all are help me 2 get a job, I will be very pleased.cell no.01849743232

Unknown said...

sir am the student of HSC now i read in 2nd year of BEPZA Public Pollege
Ineed a part time job my cell

Unknown said...

Sir,I have just completed my graduation from IBAIS University in turism & hotel managment subject but result is pending so i am so much interested to work full time or part time.i have near about 4.5 years experience with customer service so, please will you give me a oppertunity to work with you sir?
cell no;01728485868

BD Travels said...

Md.Amirutzzaman (amir)
sir,i just complete my H.S.C
Now i am a student.I am very interested to do that kinds of job.Please give me a chance to prove my worth.
Contact: 01774292884, 01924948230.

Unknown said...

I am a undergraduate student at State university of Bangladesh. I am very interested for part time job. If you will select me for this job I always try to give you my best performance.
phone : 01722962317

Mashuda Akter said...

I am a student of Presidency University at department of English.
I will be so grateful to you getting a part time job.

Mashuda Akter

Contact : 01764130002

Tauhid akram said...

Dear Sir,
I am Touhid Akram Saikat.
I am a running 5th semesterr student of BU & doing a job at EXPO International limited.but, I want to build up my carrier in your reputated company.So, please give me a chance into your company.

Tauhid akram said...

Dear Sir,
I am Touhid Akram Saikat.
I am a running 5th semesterr student of BU & doing a job at EXPO International limited.but, I want to build up my carrier in your reputated company.So, please give me a chance into your company.

Unknown said...

I am a student of bangladesh university of business and technology, dept. of BS.c in textile engineering of 2nd year 3rd semister. I need a part time job and its really urgent for me.
If u give me a chance to get this job,I am so pleased and proved myself.
Contact no:01983805326

Unknown said...

I am a student of BBA department on 4th semester of East-West university.As a student of BBA, i want to prepare myself as a I perfect men to deal with works and communication.So i need a part time job.And it also financially help me.
So,your opportunity helps to build my career.

Unknown said...

I am a student of Dhaka college at B.B.A (1st).I am very intersted for part time job.If you aii are help me to get the job.I will be very pleaser. MD;Shahadat Hossain Phone No;01812315114

Unknown said...

Sir, i am a 3rd year student of Jagannath University, need a pert-time job.I hope kindly you will approve me

Unknown said...

I am a student of National University,study at BBA. I am very intersted for part time job.if you all are help me 2 get a job, I will be very pleaser.01620174801

Anonymous said...

sir i'm a student of Primeasia university i eagerly interasted to find a job such a challenging environment.. cont:01672400469

Unknown said...


Rony Hassan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Dear Sir,
I'm a student of 'North South University(NSU), studying Bachelor of business administration.My cgpa is 3.3. I'm very interested for the part time job.
It will be very pleasure for me sir, if u select me for the job..Thanks.
Contact no : 01756503403,01686916406

Unknown said...

Dear Sir,
I'm a student of 'STATE UNIVERSITY OF BANGLADESH (SUB)', studying on CSE.
I love to do this job.
It will be very pleasure for me, if u consider me for this job.

My Contact no : 01985272383, 01923347837
email me :

Unknown said...

Dear Sir,
I am a student of B.Sc in Electrical & Electronics Engineering at "United International University". I am very interested for part-time job in call center.I think, i am eligible for call center job.

So, if you give me a chance to get this job,I will be very pleasure to you & i will do my work very honestly.
Contact : 01751-480706 & 01685-913085
E-mail :

Unknown said...

Dear Sir/Madam
I am undergraduate fourth year student in the field Electrical and Electronics Engineering in International University of Business Agriculture and Technology.I am interested to work at Etcetra Bangladesh.
Therefore, if u kindly give me achance to work in Etcetra Bangladesh", i will be pleased to you.

Shaif Ali Manik
Moile No.: 01824174952

Unknown said...

i have just Completed my Graduation from National University and i have passed at Second class. Now i need a part time job.
so, i hope you will kindly grant me as a employee.
Name: Syed Ashikur Rahman
Cell: 01914910950

Unknown said...

Dear Sir,
I am a student of B.Sc(Hons) in Sonargaon University (SU). I am attracted by your advertisement. I am very interested to take this job and perform it well.
It will be very pleasure to me, if you will help me to get the job.
Thank you.

Contact No. 01683104600

Unknown said...

Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm the student of EEE.I've completed 6 semester out of 8.I'm very much interested & feel proud to do this challenging job.So,let me try & prove myself as worthy.

Contact: 01722774068

Unknown said...

I'm the student of Ahsanullah University Of Science and Technology(AUST),study at BBA..I’m badly in need of a part time job.I’m very grateful to you if you will give opportunity to perform in your well known company.


Unknown said...

Sir, I am Tutul chand kar.I am a student of BBa at Asian University of Bangladesh.I am a seeking a part time job.I am interested to do this job.
please give me a chance for the job. Thank you. Contact:01744965693

Unknown said...

This is Alamin Khan and i'm looking for a part time job. I have completed HSC from Milestone College, Uttara, Dhaka.
If the opportunity will be given by providing the job i can assure you that the capability of mine will be applied very strongly and positively. It is very necessary for me to get a job right now.

Please contact: 01675554284

Unknown said...

I am a student of Rangpur Govt College, Rangpur, study at B.A in English and interested to get a part time job. If you help me i can progress in my hungry life.
yours ever,
Md. Salim Reja Sarker

Unknown said...

with due respect i want to state that i have passed hsc in science from sylhet cadet college in 2014.and now i am studying for i need a job for sound survival in dhaka.
so,if you help me to get a job it will be very helpful for me.thanks in advance.

Unknown said...

Part Time Job at Etcetra Bangladesh
I am a student of "Green University" at B.B.A department in 7 semester. I want to get a part time job of your company.I think i would be able to get a job of your company.
Please give me a opportunity of your company.
Name:Ashapurna Barua

Unknown said...

Dear Sir
I’m the student of 'united International University'.I am a EEE student.I want a part time job.
I hope you will be kind grant me a part time job.
MD. Nasimuzzaman
My cell num: 01741461384

Unknown said...

I am the student of "Rajshahi University,Rajshahi,study at Becholar of Social Science. I am highly interested for part time job. If you help me I will pleased.

or cell:01922619010, 01771090560

jalal khan said...

jalal khan said...

This is Md.Jalal Khan,completed B.A(Hons)& M.A in Islamic History & Culture from Dhaka University.Now I am studding on a Diploma Course in Web Design & Development Course.I am interested to work at this Company.

Unknown said...

I am student of "International university of Business Agriculture and Technology" at Electrical and Electronics Engineering.I am very interested to get this job.This job is very important for me. Please help me.i will be very pleaser.

My contact number is below
cont: 01515246422

Unknown said...

I’m Zaved zafori. student of Dhaka University.Dept of Law.
I’m very interested for the part time job.
i Want to prove my competence.
Cell: 017787056272 / 01521323990

Unknown said...

I am the student of "Bangladesh University of Business & Technology(BUBT)",study at Becholar of Business Administration.

A part time job is very important for me.if you all are help me to get a job, I will be very pleased.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

with due respect i want to state that i have passed hsc in science from Barura Shahid Smrity Govt. college, Barura, Comilla in 2014.and now i am studying for university i need a job for sound survival in dhaka.
so,if you help me to get a job it will be very helpful for me.thanks in advance.

contact:01625798710; 01620658566; 015516192721


Unknown said...

I’m the student of ”National University;Dhaka,Bangladesh , study at Bachelor Of Business Administration.I’m very interested for part time or full time job.
If you all are help me 2 get a job, I will be very pleased.

Contact: 01840674687


Unknown said...

I am G M Shariful Islam.

I am about to complete my graduation within one month from 'Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)'. I am student of 'Business Administration' concentrated in 'Marketing'.

I have participated in 33 different 'National Debate Championship' of university level. I debated in both Bengali and English.

I worked in a 'Call Center' named 'DTX Business Solution' as a 'Call Center Supervisor' from November, 2014 to March 2015.

Mobile No: +8801868540885

I am interested in this job.


Unknown said...

Honorable Sir,
This is Abu Baker Siddiquee. I'm doing my B.Sc engineering in CSE. I'm active, responsible and dutiful. I'll try to my best level to prove myself qualified in your prestigious company. So you're requested to give me a chance to work hard and proving me an active, responsible and dutiful worker. Thank you sir...

Abu Baker Siddiquee.

Anonymous said...

I Maidul islam From Daffodil international University. I m studying in bachelor of entrepreneurship development 2th semester. I need a part time job desperately. I will try my best to provide good service & satisfy consumer needs. I m very much interested in this part time job.
Hope The authority will keep in mind of myself & select me.


Unknown said...

I am student of ibais university department of tourism and hotel management. I want to this opportunity for increasing my experience level please contact me.

Mob :01935155511

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

I am the running student of University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB). I am interested for this job. I believe that what kind of types you need, all kinds of type i have earned.

If you think about me as a excellent candidate for this job. So please contact with me.

Mobile: 01672706024

Unknown said...

Hello sir I am MD. Kamrul Islam
I interested to do this job. I need your help to do this job. If you help me then I can do this job. I am a student of BBA in Green University in 6th semester.
Please Sir give a chance to do this job. I will wait for you call and I will wait for a invitation.
Thank you

Cell: 01987049195

lightened kabir said...

Hello sir, I'm Lutful Kabir Kayes.
I completed my SSC and HSC from Rajuk Uttara Model College.Currently studing at Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology.I have got GPA 5 in all subjects both in SSC and HSC.I have a IELTS score of 6.5 .And my current CGPA is 3.03 in university.I wish to meet with you anytime you wish for .
Contact no 01854227408

Toplinebd said...

Sir,I have just Completed my Graduation from National University and I have passed at Second class. Now I need a part time job and I am very much interested to work with this company.
So, I hope you will kindly grant me as a employee of your company.
Cell: 01719077077

Mahabub Alam said...

I`m the student of PARK polytechnic Institute in CSE, final year. I`m interested for part time job in call center. I will try my best to provide good service & satisfy consumer needs.

To prove myself as a quick learner and highly energetic person to face any challenge and to build my career in such as any organization.
Name : Mir Mahdi Hasan
Contact : 01672-365867
E-mail :

Mahabub Alam said...

I have just Completed my Graduation from National University. Now I need a part time job and I`m very much interested to work with this company.

So, I hope you will kindly grant me as a employee of your company.

Name : Md. Shoriful Islam
Contact : 01728-325501
E-mail :

Mahabub Alam said...

I have just Completed my Graduation from National University. Now I need a part time job and I`m very much interested to work with this company.

So, I hope you will kindly grant me as a employee of your company.

Name : Md. Shoriful Islam
Contact : 01728-325501
E-mail :

mohammed ismail said...

I Completed BBA from National University. Now runnining my study on MBA. I have experience. Now I need a part time job and I`m very much interested to work with this company.

I really need your kind to grant me as a employee of your company.

Name : Md. Ismail
Contact : 01710395997
E-mail :

Unknown said...

Dear, Sir/Madam
I’m the student of Daffodil International University , study at Bsc In EEE.I’m very interested for part time or full time job.
If you all are help me 2 get a job, I will be very pleaser.

Contact: 01710727587

Unknown said...

Dear sir/madam,

I am a student of university of development alternative(UODA).Recently i have completed my B.pharm i badly need a part time job.
I think you are the best to give me that.
Md.Sanzid Hossain

Unknown said...

Dear sir/madam,

I am a student of university of development alternative(UODA).Recently i have completed my B.pharm i badly need a part time job.
I think you are the best to give me that.
Md.Sanzid Hossain

Unknown said...

I'm interest on shift B..
And I will give my 100% ....

MD. Youniur Rahman
Mob : 01670758502

Unknown said...

I'm interest on shift B..
And I will give my 100% ....

MD. Youniur Rahman
Mob : 01670758502

nilakash said...

Dear sir, I am student of Chittagong college study at physics, 2nd year.I need a part time job and I am very much interested to work with this company.
So, I hope you will kindly grant me as a employee of your company.
Md.Asaduzzaman palash
Contact no:01754032260

Unknown said...

Dear Sir,
I am a student of Stamford University Bangladesh at Business Administration Department. I am studying BBA (3rd year). I was completed my HSC From Dhaka Commerce College. I am interested to do this type of job which is directly related with customers. Hopefully my best effort I can give this sector.
I will be very pleased if you give me the opportunity to prove myself.

Tarikul Islam
Comtact No: 01768920979

Unknown said...

I am interested,, i am studing in BSc in texile engineering..

Unknown said...

sir, i have completed the HSC exam. i shall be very happy if you kind mannage me a part time job urgently.

md. shafirul
phone: 01762816242